Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How is This Humanly Possible?

When I first watched this advertisement I thought "How does this guy do this?? It's truly mind-boggling!"

For the launch of their Economy Comfort Product KLM put a man sitting on air in Manchester Airport. The man is Ramana, a magician from the Netherlands. He looks to be comfortably sitting on air and reading a newspaper while passersby look in awe at the magician. The mechanism used is a chair installed inside the clothing which holds him up the way he is.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Maybe It's Time to Let it Go

So Nike released a new commercial featuring Tiger Woods, on the eve of his return to golf.

This commercial is wrong on a few levels. First off, the voice over used is of Tiger's deceased father. The actual clip of his father talking was at the time, directed at his wife, not his son. However, Nike decided to take this clip and splice it together for this commercial.

Also, it's slightly ironic that his father is saying these words to Woods, as he himself was unfaithful.

Isn't it time for Nike to move on? I sure think so. Let Tiger return to golf without bringing up his past indiscretions. I think it's time to bury the subject and let the dust settle. By rehashing the matter, the public doesn't have the chance to forget about the scandal and begin to move forward.