Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eco-friendly... Parking Spots?

First came handicapped parking stalls, then came specific parking spots for expectant mothers, and now the introduction of a new type of parking spot designated for fuel efficient cars, right here in Winnipeg! Very forward thinking Kildonan Place Shopping Centre - I'm pleasantly surprised yet question how well people will respect these specific parking stalls.

Check it out:

What do you think? Do you think people will like this idea, or find it a nuisance?


  1. I love it when I am rolling around town in my Prius.

  2. When I am in my Hummer I feel like parking on top of your Prius...

  3. Who knew Transcona was at the forefront of environmentalism?

  4. So... they are making people with the non-enviro-friendly gas guzzling vehicles drive around farther to look for spots then?

  5. Soon we're all going to be parking a mile away.... (at least its good for the waist line!)
