One of the biggest shifts in media in recent years is the introduction of Twitter.
Using only 140 characters, Twitter provides a one-stop, real-time service for all of a person’s content. It allows us something that in the past only huge corporations could have: our own broadcasting network. If you’re on Twitter, and to a certain extent Facebook, you are in the broadcasting business. You can literally reach thousands with what you tweet.
One of the most interesting aspects of Twitter is the fact that it is a shared media. Though one person initially creates a tweet or links to a story, whatever you broadcast on your network, I can also rebroadcast too. On Twitter, this is called "retweeting".
Not too long ago, it was considered advanced in a technological sense to email a friend to inform him or her of something going on in the news. But now, in a matter of seconds you can share this information via Twitter with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people.
Social media is constantly evolving and Twitter is no exception. Not only is Twitter used to post information and updates, but the site is also being used to create interesting online virtual art projects - 6 Incredible Twitter Powered Art Projects. Tweets are being visualized and mashed up with other content to create stunning online art.

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