November 20th is soon approaching and you know what that means... The Twilight Saga's second installment: New Moon!
To be honest, before the summer, I never even knew what the Twilight Saga was or why it was so popular. My 16-year-old cousin in Vancouver had the opportunity to meet the cast of the film while they were shooting and she posted a picture of herself with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner as her Facebook profile picture. Everyone seemed to be commenting how lucky she was to have met these people.
Obviously, I needed to know what all the fuss was about, so I messaged her asking who these people were. This was the first time, I truly felt out of the loop (uh oh, am I getting old??) Anyways, as expected she was shocked and appalled that I had never heard of the popular craze and informed me that I HAD to watch the film because my life would not be complete without doing so (dramatic much?)
So one night, my friend and I ventured to the video store and rented it. Needless to say, I wasn't blown away by it, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. I thought some of the special effects were lacking, however later on I learned their budget was not overly large, and that the sequel to the film would have a much higher one.
With all the hype of New Moon soon to be hitting theatres, there's always bound to be spoofs and knockoffs, such as this one for your viewing pleasure:
I know exactly what you mean when you said you felt out of the loop. My little cousin also introduced me to the Twilight Saga and after watching the movie I read all four books in two weeks. This was last April, during exams: let's just say not the best time to be reading books ;).