Saturday, December 5, 2009
Pure Cuteness!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Follow up on Tiger's situation
He comments on his official website:
"I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family".
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Although he never comes out and states his infidelity, I'm assuming that's what he means by "transgressions"?
What I find the most interesting is on his official website is comments from viewers are allowed. I'm surprised that this is allowed as I'd assume most comments would be negative towards Tiger. However, when going through the comments posted, I noticed a lot of the posts were supportive of him and fans offered their love and support during his difficult time. I would have assumed a majority of the comments would have been negative.
I wonder if his sponsors will be as understanding and keep him as the face of their products?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Something Sure Seems Fishy

On Friday, November 27, 2009 golf's superstar Tiger Woods was in a traffic accident. A Florida Highway Patrol report says Woods pulled out of the driveway of his $2.4-million home in a black Cadillac Escalade at about 2:25 a.m, struck a fire hydrant and then a tree on a neighbour's property. Police arrived at the scene with his wife Elin, standing over him. The back window of the car had been smashed out.
Tiger and his wife have both declined comments to the media and even to the police regarding the issue. However today, Tiger made a comment regarding the crash on his website.
Woods said the crash was a private matter, and he intended to keep it that way.
“Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible,” he said. “The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.”
Although I can understand why Tiger would want to keep the accident a private matter, he is a well-known celebrity and unfortunately doesn't get that luxury. When an incident like this occurs to a celebrity, especially one with a reputable reputation, the media and public want to know all the details. However, because he and his wife are hush-hush on the matter, it seems slightly suspicious and leaves the possibility for a few questions:
— Where he was going at that time of the night?
— How did he lose control of his SUV at such a speed that the air bags didn’t deploy?
— Why did his wife smash the rear windows of the Cadillac Escalade?
— If it was a careless mistake, why not speak to state troopers trying to wrap the investigation?
By not answering these questions, it seems as though Tiger has something to hide, especially since the accident came two days after the National Enquirer published a story alleging that Woods had been seeing a New York night club hostess, and that they recently were together in Melbourne, where Woods competed in the Australian Masters. Tiger should have released a statement immediately to prevent suspicions and such questions.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Social Media is Constantly Evolving

One of the biggest shifts in media in recent years is the introduction of Twitter.
Using only 140 characters, Twitter provides a one-stop, real-time service for all of a person’s content. It allows us something that in the past only huge corporations could have: our own broadcasting network. If you’re on Twitter, and to a certain extent Facebook, you are in the broadcasting business. You can literally reach thousands with what you tweet.
One of the most interesting aspects of Twitter is the fact that it is a shared media. Though one person initially creates a tweet or links to a story, whatever you broadcast on your network, I can also rebroadcast too. On Twitter, this is called "retweeting".
Not too long ago, it was considered advanced in a technological sense to email a friend to inform him or her of something going on in the news. But now, in a matter of seconds you can share this information via Twitter with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people.
Social media is constantly evolving and Twitter is no exception. Not only is Twitter used to post information and updates, but the site is also being used to create interesting online virtual art projects - 6 Incredible Twitter Powered Art Projects. Tweets are being visualized and mashed up with other content to create stunning online art.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Can You Feel the Love?

I knew there was a reason I liked Starbucks for more than just their Gingerbread lattes (if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it!)
For this holiday season Starbucks has announced they will be making a big push in social media, calling it "Starbucks 2.0" because they recognize that their customers want to get more involved.
"It's like we've taken the version 1.0 of last year and now we're really doing it at scale and going to a lot more places where our customers already are," said Chris Bruzzo, VP-brand, content and online at Starbucks. "People are saying this is going to be a big year for social media and we're a microcosm of that. Whereas last year it was a curiosity, this year it's a core part of the program."
The chain is continuing its partnership with Red, launched last Thanksgiving, and created a new partnership with Pandora by offering a free "All You Need Is Love" CD, with tracks from U2, John Legend and the Dave Matthews Band, when consumers spend $15.
What I find most interesting is that Starbucks has also found a faster and easier way for consumers to get involved, even if they're not yet comfortable in social media. For these less-comfortable folks, Starbucks created the "love drawing," at StarbucksLoveProject, for visitors to create a digital drawing using different paints and colors. For each of the first million drawings, Starbucks is donating 5 cents to Red.
The Starbucks initiative is a great example of how to create an entire integrated campaign around the web and include all types of target audiences.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
New Moon, Or Should I Say Three Wolf Moon?

November 20th is soon approaching and you know what that means... The Twilight Saga's second installment: New Moon!
To be honest, before the summer, I never even knew what the Twilight Saga was or why it was so popular. My 16-year-old cousin in Vancouver had the opportunity to meet the cast of the film while they were shooting and she posted a picture of herself with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner as her Facebook profile picture. Everyone seemed to be commenting how lucky she was to have met these people.
Obviously, I needed to know what all the fuss was about, so I messaged her asking who these people were. This was the first time, I truly felt out of the loop (uh oh, am I getting old??) Anyways, as expected she was shocked and appalled that I had never heard of the popular craze and informed me that I HAD to watch the film because my life would not be complete without doing so (dramatic much?)
So one night, my friend and I ventured to the video store and rented it. Needless to say, I wasn't blown away by it, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. I thought some of the special effects were lacking, however later on I learned their budget was not overly large, and that the sequel to the film would have a much higher one.
With all the hype of New Moon soon to be hitting theatres, there's always bound to be spoofs and knockoffs, such as this one for your viewing pleasure:
Monday, November 16, 2009
YouTube and Target Team Together for the Holidays
Social media is not only changing holiday shopping habits, it’s also changing how major retailers try to reach you with their messages of holiday cheer.
YouTube and Target have partnered to launch a custom channel that is themed entirely for the holidays. YouTube Holiday Solutions includes videos on everything from home and party ideas to recipes, gift giving tips, and Target-specific holiday videos and a Target gift guide.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are

On Tuesday, I decided that I was taking the evening off and seeing a movie. My friend and I went to see the new movie Where the Wild Things Are, director Spike Jonze’s adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s children’s story. Now to be honest, I don't really remember the book from when I was younger, truth be told, I only recognize the title's font (oh, the foreshadowing to my life as a CreComm student!)
The film stars newcomer Max Records as Max, a sensitive, creative kid who's adjusting uneasily to his parents' divorce. The opening scene sets the tone as a hand held camera shakily follows a screaming Max as he chases his dog through the house. We soon learn that Max is starved for attention and hypersensitive to boot, bursting into tears when his older sister’s friends trash his igloo.
I don't mean to sound so negative, but my immediate thought when I watched Max, was "his irratic behaviour is probably due to the fact he has some form of ADHD, and emotional issues dealing with his parents divorce".
The viewer watches and is almost forced to analyze Max's behaviour and feelings to his igloo being destroyed, his sister not sticking up for him and his mom not giving him attention - because each of these individual feelings finds its physical representation later in the story, giving Max a unique and unexpected opportunity to look outside himself and see not only how he really feels, but how those feelings impact the others around him.
After throwing a temper tantrum when his mom (Catherine Keener) chooses to pay attention to her new "friend" (Mark Ruffalo) instead of Max's latest flight of fancy, he runs out of their house and out into the night. Taking to the sea in a kid-sized sailboat, Max crosses the sea, finally landing on the rocky shore of a mysterious island inhabited by strange, monstrous beasts. But when he proclaims himself their ruler, Max decides he's discovered a place of refuge where he can create his own happiness – that is, until the problems of the real world begin to work their way into the supposed fun of his fantasy kingdom.

During the movie, I had trouble deciding if this was truly a film for children, or adults. There were scenes that were quite violent, like the mud war- where characters were getting pummeled by huge boulders. I was worried for the little five year old girl beside me, who was cuddling up to her mother during this scary scene.
However, in the same breath, perhaps this movie was intended for kids, because it basically spelled out the message over and over again nearing the end. To the point where I leaned over to my friend and whispered "Ok! We get it, wrap it up!" (One thing I can't stand in movies, is when filmmakers do not give the viewer enough credit, and feel they need to repeat their point or make it more obvious so the audience comprehends.)
What I do appreciate though, is how Spike Jonze focuses on the intimate and personal interactions between characters. He not only creates a world that seems directly born of Max's imagination, but one where those feelings and thoughts are raw and immediate, seeming fun, scary, and strangely human all at the same time. However, because of that balance between the exciting and the scary, it remains to be seen whether kids will really identify with Max, since so much of what he goes through is so painful.
The movie was quite touching and sad. My heart went out to Max because I felt bad for him and understood he was experiencing the negative emotional impact of his parent's divorce and as a result acting out because he doesn't how else to deal with his situation. By the end, I was tearing up, and so was the little girl beside me. However, I think she was crying and sniffling because Max had to say goodbye to his furry friends he made.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Eco Smart Billboard Toilet Splashes on the Scene
Just when you thought advertising in the bathroom was only on the walls...
How about on the actual toilet? Say hello to the Wow Toilet, a snazzy new toilet that can post ads. Not only can you put advertisements across the back, you can also display your family pictures for toilets at homes. Just think of the possibilities, maybe Pepto-Bismol would be a good fit?
My personal favourite is the toilet with SpongeBob SquarePants' face across the back. Like the website states: "Decorate your restroom for special holidays, baby showers and birthday parties." Who wouldn't want to see "Happy Birthday" on their toilet? Hmm...
However, not only is this toilet used for decorating purposes, it's also environmentally friendly. Wow Toilet has certified fill valve that helps in conserving water and with it's certified dual flush system.
On a side note, I enjoy the fact that in the video the toilet they have for birthdays says "Happy Birthday Mikey", Mikey is my brother's name and he would burst out laughing if he ever saw that in our house!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Not Always Black and White
Before Teri's presentation, I was unaware that as a leader, Murray and his caucus voted against same-sex adoption rights. I wondered how could a person who voted against rights for people be appointed the director of the Canadian Museum for HUMAN RIGHTS. In an interview after his appointment as human-rights museum boss, Murray said he was just following the wishes of his caucus during the vote seven years ago.
Even if his personal views do not reflect those of his party, should he really be the one chosen as director? Should the fact that he was involved and associated in voting against against gay rights, even though he claims it was not his personal belief be held against him?
My family and I discussed this topic and we discovered there were many examples of people who have different personal opinions from the party they belong to. My dad recently sent me an interest link, relating to the topic. The following video is of Phillip Spooner, a lifetime Republican, World War II veteran and a gay marriage supporter. The 86-year-old gave a heartfelt speech in support of gay marriage to Maine's Judiciary Committee in April. Spooner states that he is a true American, and that he fought for his country in order for equality for all.
I feel that Spooner's stance is similar to that of former Vice President of The United States, Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary, is a lesbian. Cheney received a lot of criticism after he distanced himself from President Bush’s call for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. At a campaign rally in Mississippi, Cheney spoke supportively about gay relationships, saying “freedom means freedom for everyone,” when asked about his stand on gay marriage.
"Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue our family is very familiar with," Cheney told an audience. "With the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone... People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."
In all 3 instances, it seems as though just because a person belongs to a certain party, does not mean their personal beliefs on a subject fully complies with the party's stance.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wild On Winnipeg
Let's face it: we always knew that Winnipeg was Canada's Cultural Capital. We've been the slurpee capital of the WORLD for ten years running!
Not to mention, The Guess Who were the first Canadian band to have a #1 hit across Canada. Then there's Guy Maddin, the Weakerthans, the West End Cultural Centre, Folk Fest, the WSO, the WAG, the Manitoba Museum... I could go on.
But it's always nice to be recognized and Winnipeg has been selected as Canada's cultural capital for 2010 by the Federal Government.
So in case you were wondering how popular Winnipeg truly is- Hollywood sure seems to think so. This is a video created in Winnipeg for Destination Winnipeg, Winnipeg's tourism and economic development agency to promote the city:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Something to Brighten Up Your Day
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sending the Wrong Message
Now, what should these communities think when they open up the shipment and there's more body bags than normal? It's a pretty clear message, don't you think? Does Health Canada know something that the First Nation communities don't?
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Read the article here:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Eco-friendly... Parking Spots?
Check it out:
What do you think? Do you think people will like this idea, or find it a nuisance?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Customize your own Outfit- Now There's an App for That
Social media is not just for 15 year olds posting pictures of what they did on weekends. Rather, social media tools (sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg, etc) allow for companies to generate exposure, opportunity , sales and new business partnerships.
Social media is a way to talk about products, become part of a community, engage conversations and create buzz. Companies will only gain by using social media tools and more should jump on the bandwagon.
The following is an article on Ralph Lauren's innovative marketing plan incorporating social media. Imagine picking up your iPhone, choosing an 'app' that allowed you to customize an outfit to your taste. Now imagine that you can order this outfit and have it shipped to your home within a few business days. Well, now you can.
Check it out: